GRAND Opening Weekend

If anyone would have told me in March of 2020 that I would be opening a lifestyle and design brand in September, in the middle of a global pandemic, I would have told you, "YOU ARE CRAZY." we are, just finishing up our first weekend of business and what a great weekend it was!
CITY BOY COUNTRY LIFE has been a dream of mine for a long, long time and to see it come to fruition in the heart of Historic Downtown Clarksville, the place I call home and work has been the most fulfilling experience. I am the luckiest. (I say this all the time.) But it is true! I literally get to do everything I want and enjoy doing. Being able to lead the ROXY REGIONAL THEATRE as the organizations Executive Director and present live, professional theatre is something that dreams are made of. Due to COVID-19, and the almost immediate shut-down of the Roxy, I was able to work from home taking care of theatre duties and emails and focus some time on launching this brand. And now, I get to help people design and curate and celebrate with this lifestyle brand. PINCH ME PLEASE!!!!!
I will save the 'inspiration for CITY BOY COUNTRY LIFE' for a future blog post, but wanted to show you some of the moments from the GRAND opening weekend.

- Ryan Bowie